fine art

canvas, ink, & heart

Art is about life, and everything seems a canvas through the lens of the heart.

“It almost happened by accident, but I know nothing is ever truly an accident. It was midnight before a film shoot where I was working as the Creative Director and I needed to fill a blank space on the wall. I had scoured the metro area earlier that night seeking an art piece to no avail…until I realized the artwork I was looking for was so clear in my mind’s eye that I only needed a canvas and paint. That first art piece that was birthed in the make-shift studio that night opened up an entire world of expression for me and is one that I am still exploring to this day.”

These abstract paintings come from the depth of experience, speak of wounds & warfare, and articulate passionate conversations with God. Color speaks and the soul breathes.

Come explore..

Private in person viewing shows are the most accurate way to view the emotional abstract paintings of Roux. We offer rentable pre-buy consultations for personal and quiet decision making to spend time with the art before commitment. Rentals and print pieces can be made available for intimate gatherings and events in your space. Galleries may request private shows for their venues and pre-sales events.

Taking the art one step closer to your heart as I explore what wood and fine or precious metals can become together. This is a newer medium for me and I find jewelry making to be a beautiful combination of rustic and refined.  



Art is about life, and everything seems a canvas through the lens of the heart.

The beauty and usefulness of wood slowly but surely made it’s way into my soul. I began to gather fallen branches. Not for anything other than to appreciate their raw beauty. It became a process of realizing their potential and it wasn’t long before I recognized that just a few cuts and refining, fallen branches could become heirloom tools and intricate works of art. I now create worlds of color, wood-burning, and inked blooms onto their natural surfaces in collaboration with nature.



Inspired by the trees that naturally share their bounty, passing through my cultivating touch to your crafting hands, I think of all the things you might make with our inspired tool. We are making it together, all of us. That in itself, is a work of art.



art is the expression

of the soul

Contact Roux

I love meeting people from all over the world and hearing our inspired stories that often lead to a beautful tapestry of relationships and sometimes, inspire new works of art.

10 + 1 =


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